Wednesday 24 December 2014

The Three Top Trends in UX Design

The web design agency Dubai is changing with a blink of the eye, making it difficult for people to even follow them. In fact, there is a need of great research to distinguish between the ongoing trends most web design agencies are following and what they must follow to attract more customers. The web design domain is continuously changing from W3C specifications to modern web browsers, who have thoroughly changed the designed web.

Here are the top five web design trends which are expected to get a rise in coming years; it is possible that many of you have already seen them implemented. Here is the detailed analysis of UI/UX trends in action.

web design agency Dubai

1. Grid-Style Layouts

Pinterest, a perfect example of grid-style layouts, which obviously has its own kind of fan following. It is true that most social media websites follow a traditional streamline patterns such as Tumbler or Twitter. However, the Giant sites are now adopting this grid style, such as Facebook pages are scattering most timeline updates in grid form.

However, following grid-style cannot be forced in old websites. There must be a purpose and that is the “user experience always comes first”. The benefit of grid is it will portray images to text into simple easy-to-read format. Grid layout put things in a perfect coherence and does not require much of space from the web page.

2. Crafty Image Captions

How we can forget the uniquely created CSS3 image caption effects. Many image galleries are focusing on portfolio items, article thumbnails, photographs etc. most of the time a text caption is inserted as it helps the visitor to connect more information to the image (while in CSS3 it is obvious to rely on the natural competence of browsers). However, it is really important for a website to craft images to provide benefit to the reader. There are different online handy tools which are offering web designers to design crafty images and more interesting thing is that many web design agencies are also benefiting from such tools.

3. Extended Form Elements

jQuery is one of the most commonly used design tool in front-end development as it helps to write smoother JavaScript code with fewer lines and tidily. There are many free open source jQuery plug-ins which are getting their prominence among web design agencies working for Dubai market. The most incredible benefit of jQuery plug-in is that they enhance the user experience. These plugins usually have floating labels, guided tooltips and input validation hence, almost everything a design agency can imagine.

Almost every leading website is relying on jQuery plugins to design attractive interfaces offering great user experience.

There are continuously changing trends which are observed in design agencies of Dubai as they are dealing with highly competent market of the world. An urge to win the battle is forcing them to focus more “what users are looking on the website”.

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